Lessons re-commence week beginning the 9th September.
Half term will be from Sat 19th October to Saturday 2nd November inclusive. Term ends Saturday 30th November.
(Please ensure all invoices are paid before the first day of term)
Lessons re-commence week beginning the 9th September.
Half term will be from Sat 19th October to Saturday 2nd November inclusive. Term ends Saturday 30th November.
(Please ensure all invoices are paid before the first day of term)
Another amazing year of results from all of my students. This is all down to their individual commitment and drive to their very best.
The Speech and Drama Festival saw some of the very best 1st place awards to date. Once again the prestigious ‘Speech and Drama’ trophies and cups were presented to the very top performers.
Record breaking LAMDA exams results were recorded with 94% of pupils gaining distinctions, 56% of these pupils achieved marks in the 90’s. This summer witnessed the very first pupils gaining 100%. Congratulations to Ava Harris and Andrew Bull from Haddon Dene School on their magnificent results.
St Lawrence College: 20th May
Spring Grove School: 18th June
Haddon Dene School: 30th June
Victoria Gardens Saturday 16th June Participation for ‘The Young Theatre Players’
Final group classes for the spring term 9th March, summer term commences Friday 27th April-Friday 29th June inclusive.
Half Term Monday 28th May-Friday 1st June (inclusive)
Please find below our wonderful results from the festival, congratulations to all of the children for their outstanding efforts.
They are all winners as they have gained a sackful of skills. The ability to perform with accuracy and skill in front of an audience, accept the decision of the adjudicator and understand that his opinion is only one amongst an audience of many more, show respect, kindness and courtesy to other contestants during their performances. Well done!
We were awarded 75 1st to 3rd places.
My sincere congratulations to the trophy winners who will collect their prizes on Friday the 23rd March at 7PM at ‘The Gala evening’, held at The Sarah Thorne Theatre.
George Dawson and Annabelle Higgins have been asked to perform their poems as part of the evenings performances.
1st Place: Alyssa Yeung
2nd Place: Patrick Flynn
3rd Place: Isaac Trusty
1st Place: Mithushan Geretheran.
1st Place: Patrick Flynn
1st Place: George Dawson
2nd Place Mithushan Geretheran.
3rd Place: Claudia Stevenson Coles
1st Place: George Dawson
2nd Place: Isaac Cotterill.
3rd Place: Tilda Burgess, Ruby White, Ryan Baskaran.
1st place: Ryan Baskaran
2nd Place: Isaac Cotterill
3rd Place: Meredith Rose Lay.
2nd Place: Aswiga Geretheran.
3rd Place: Albie Sibson Harris, Jean Hodge.
2nd Place: Arthur Norman
3rd Place: Sneha Kumar.
2nd Place: Damilola Solanke, Jean Hodge.
3rd Place: Louca Theodoru-Bunce.
1st Place: Arthur Norman
2nd Place Sneha Kumar
1st place: Hannah Mabasa
2nd Place: Anna Page.
3rd Place: Sneha Kumar
1st Place: George Dawson
2nd Place: Aswiga Geretheran, Isaac Cotterill.
3rd Place: Damilola Solanke, Louca Theodoru-Bunce, Tilda Burgess.
1st Place: Matthew Dawson.
2nd Place: Jean Hodge
3rd Place: Sneha Kumar
1st Place: Jean Hodge.
1st Place: Oliver Baker
2nd Place: Joshua Baker
3rd Place: Isaac Cotterill.
1st Place: Oliver and Joshua Baker.
1st Place: Phoebe Dawson.
1st Place: Annabelle Higgins
2nd Place: Georgia Binfield.
2nd Place: Violet Lydford.
1st Place: Annabelle Higgins
2nd Place: Rakshyen Mohanaram
3rd Place: Rebecca Dawson, Jacob Sebastian.
1st Place: Annabelle Higgins
2nd Place: Georgia Binfield
1st Place: Annabelle Higgins
2nd Place: Pranav Sidappa
3rd Place: Kabelan Naguleswaran
2nd Place: Rebecca Dawson
3rd Place: Annabelle Higgins.
1st Place: Jacob Sebastian
2nd Place: Rebecca Dawson.
1st Place: Reynard Baskaran
2nd Place: Pratigya Peshen.
3rd Place; Pranav Sidappa, Kareshram Mohanaram
1st Place: Ruby Lydford.
2nd Place: Reynard Baskaran
3rd Place: Reginold Baskaran, Pranav Sidappa.
1st Place: Reynard Baskaran
2nd Place: Reginold Baskaran
1st Place: Reynard Baskaran
2nd Place: Pranav Sidappa
3rd Place: Reginold Baskaran.
1st Place: Reginold Baskaran.
2nd Place: Niamh Edgington
1st Place: Niamh Edgington
1st Place: Benedict Marshall.
Cup for Speech Yrs 6 and under: George Dawson
Vinson Cup for Speech: Yrs 7-10: Annabelle Higgins
Mary Raven cup for Speech: Reginold Baskaran.
Thanet Stage School Shield for Mime: Oliver Baker
Olive Raven Cup for best new comer: Arthur Norman.
McCleesh Cup for Reading aloud at Sight: Jean Hodge.
Franks Trophy: Bible Reading (YR8 and under) Ryan Baskaran
Margate Bible Reading cup (Year 9 and above): Reynard Baskaran
Charles Dickens Plate: Niamh Edgington
Gold Cup for Dramatic Achievement: Niamh Edgington
Fantastic results from two Centres in the summer term:
Distinctions: 31
Merits: 12
Congratulations to all learners, these results are fantastic.
Sun 19th Nov: St Lawrence College
Sat 9th Dec: Haddon Dene School.
Entries and invoices will be processed in September.
Entries and invoices will be processed in November
Friday 8th September to 8th December
Half term: Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October inclusive
Due to demand, weekly 1:1 sessions are now available Saturday’s term time: Haddon Dene School.
A Christmas Carol
The Sarah Thorne Theatre.
Saturday 25 th November, 7pm
Extra Rehearsals at:
The Sarah Thorne Theatre
Sunday 5th Nov: 9.00-1.00
Saturday 18th Nov: 9.00-1.00
Box Office: 01843 863701